Pfeil hoch

Energy suppliers

Fulfill regulatory requirements, create competitive advantages and position yourself as a sustainable supplier: Profit now from our energy management solutions!

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One energy management to fulfill all needs

Sustainability starts with the energy consumption

Energy suppliers all over the globe tackle the same problems: Consumers want to act more sustainably, the need for energy savings gets higher every day and the market is flooded with different offers and options.

Combining the usual supply of energy with a smart transparency software can work magic. Whether it's a legal obligation or to create a competitive advantage: A visualization software gives the consumer the possibility to overview his consumption, analyze it and thus reduce it.

Acting sustainably starts with creating transparency where we need it most: So let's start making energy transparent!
Customer acquisition

Gain new, valuable customers by fulfilling ESG requirements

Our software covers up to 90% of the relevant environmental ESG indicators:
Vorteile für Handel & Hotellerie
  • Make ESG reporting as easy as pie & gain new customers
  • Light the load for your customers: Easy reportings for carbon emissions
  • Go beyond ESG: Numerous other sustainability features
Competitive advantages

Strengthen customer loyalty, generate new customers

Outstand the competition in the energy market:
Vorteile für Handel & Hotellerie
  • Offer comprehensive analysis tools, so customers can reduce energy and costs
  • Incentivize customers with gamification and discount messages
  • A non-commodity gimmick on top of the energy supply
  • Increase customer satisfaction and reduce churn rate
  • Conquer the market: Communicate with the customers and be more than just a supplier
sustainable image

Improve your image and become a sustainable energy provider

Acting sustainably and positioning as a sustainable supplier does not have to be costly. And only a sustainable energy supplier can survive on the market.
Vorteile für Handel & Hotellerie
  • Support with topics like GHG or CO2-Reporting and make reduction possible
  • Reduce your and your customers' carbon footprint by creating more energy efficiency
  • Set a public example for more climate protection
why greenpocket?

your specialist for energy management and visualization tools

We are an expert for smart energy management and visualization solutions since 2009.
We know the challenges of the market and already convinced more than 90 international customers from our intuitive solutions.
Instead of a piecemeal solution we offer the whole program with a software you'll love to use and that really has a measurable effect.